
Saturday, December 23, 2023


I know this is not easy for most to understand or even comprehend; however, God's sovereignty over this earth allows the powers that be to govern over all nations and peoples with only God's exceptions. 

  Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God (Romans 13:1). 

 Yes, I know God has given mankind freewill to make his own choses; however, God knows the hearts of all mankind, He already knows the choices mankind will make, and He even knows the success and failures of those who are chosen to govern over these nations and people. 

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him (Colossians 1:16). 

This is all to accomplish God's plans for the salvation of mankind. This is to say, that God allowed the stealing of the November 2020 presidential election; to think otherwise, is man's failures in understanding God's sovereignty over all of His creation. 

Just as God allowed the destruction of Israel on several occasions because of their sins which we are told in the Book of Judges; so too, God has given the United States over for destruction because of the sins of this government and this people. 

 God is about to save the born-again Christians in the blink of an eye; however, God is not going to save this wicked nation and people who has slaughtered 70 million of the most innocent of all life in the womb of their mothers, nor will God save those who have embraced the sins for which God allowed the destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah, and their three surrounding suburbs, nor will God save those who continuously blaspheme His Name, nor will God save those who have rejected His gift of salvation through Christ Jesus. 

There is none so good that they do not need God’s forgiveness, and there is none so bad that they cannot receive God’s forgiveness for their sins. 

 Seek Christ Jesus today because tomorrow is not promised, to no one.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Are You Watching & Listening? (Pt. #1)

Post #1 of 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              We are living in a world of uncertainty and pain which has been brought upon many by both unrighteous governments and man’s transgressions against God and his transgressions against fellow man. Terrorists are now in every corner of the globe, disrupting governments and the lives of millions around the globe with the desires of destruction wherever there is peace.                                                                                Where there is peace there is love, and this is not something that God’s adversaries wants. Satan’s desires are to steal, kill, and distroy all which belongs to God, and many of Satan’s followers are eager to even go so far as to die themselves to destroy those who are peacemakers and Christ-followers.                                         The greatest defense against these destroyers of peace is godly wisdom and that comes from knowing God, and His WORD. We are often urge in the Bible to seek wisdom; however, there are different kinds of wisdom in this world. For the wisdom of this world is folly with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their craftiness (1 Corinthians 3:19).” There is a great difference between godly wisdom and the wisdom of this world… Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere (James 3:13–17).                                                               The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction (Proverbs 1:7). Therefore, of those who reject the truth of God’s existence, most will never read the Bible and those that do read the Bible will do so only seeking evidence to disclaim the truth of God’s WORD.                                  I will admit here and now, I am a very poor reader; therefore, as I am reading the King James version of the Bible, I will listen to it at the same time, and also for greater understanding I use The Bible Pathway Ministries Daily Devotional to guide me through the entire Bible in one year with an average of fifteen minutes of reading per-day. .                                                                                                                          In this three-part post series, I offer my opinion of the most amazing and loving heavenly Father we have watching over us, and even over all the affairs of man throughout all nations of this world. God’s wish is that none should perish; thus, He has given us His warnings in the Bible, but He has also shown others more recently to reaffirm these coming events. However, many like to say what God can and cannot do, but they fail to realize that God has no limitations on Himself, other than He will never sin nor will He ever cause man to sin.                                                                                                                                                                                                 Billions throughout all the Earth will claim there is no God, and that is their right to do so. They choose to reject more than two thousand proven biblical prophecies, of which three hundred and thirty of them were fulfilled in Jesus' coming Birth, His Life, His Ministry, His Crucifixion, His Resurrection, and His Ascension back to His Father in Heaven.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I have listed over fifty encounters which God has given me, many of which I have had eyewitnesses that could verify what I have written in half of these encounters or more. Several of these events are what I call extremely upsetting, several reveal plots to murder more than I care to even consider, in these events we see how nothing is hidden from an all-knowing God. Please try to understand, I believe any lie spoken about the works of the Holy Spirit would be blasphemous against the Holy Spirit; thus, this I will not do, whether you wish to believe these events pointing out the destruction of the United States or not, it is entirely up to you.                                                                                                                                                                            I will leave you with this one last comment: No one is so good that they do not needs God’s forgiveness, and no one is so bad that God cannot forgive them. **************************                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1. Birth November 17, 1948, I consider the gift of life the first of the miracles in everyone’s life.                                                                                                                The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life (Job 33:4).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2. May 1953, On the family’s White River Bottom farm in Pike County, IN. I was nearly thrown off a tractor at five years old, in front of the four-row planter while my Dad was planting with the John Deere B tractor. Dad caught me by the collar of my shirt; however, I was bruised and sore for a week or two.                                                                                                                                                                                    3. 1956, in the Alford, IN., elementary two-room schoolhouse, while standing with my 2nd grade class at the blackboard doing our “2s,” I collapsed into a coma. The ambulance took me to the Daviess Co, Hospital in Washington, IN. After an examination and maybe a test or two my parents were given no reason for the coma nor any hope. I woke up on the evening of the third day of the coma, I see the white ceiling and walls, I see I am laying in a bed covered with white sheets, I raised my head a little to look around and I see my Mother at the foot of the bed and said, “Mom, where am I?”                                                                                                       The following week Mother and her best her friend Joyce _____, drove me to the Riley Children’ Hospital in Indianapolis, IN. After two or three weeks of tests nothing was ever found that would have caused the coma.                                                       My thoughts are, doing my “2s” on the blackboard had just overheated my pea brain, don’t ya’ know!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       4. June 1956, following in my older brother Alan footsteps, I began driving farm tractors, working on the family farms by myself at the age of 7.5 years and at 9.5, I was even driving the tractors pulling the equipment back and forth 9 miles on state highways through my hometown of Petersburg, IN. between the home farm and the White River Bottom farm for the next 10 years or so, with no accidents. I consider this a miracle in itself.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           5. Wednesday, November 23, 1960, which is the day before Thanksgiving. Both my parents and younger siblings Kent and Marla left the previous Saturday for Arizona, and they left my older siblings, Linda, and Alan, and I in the care of a Great Aunt that none of us had ever known. Arriving home and jumping off the school bus Linda announces that she is going to Cousin Nancy ____ for Thanksgiving and the weekend, Alan announces that he is riding Dusty, our horse over to David ______ for Thanksgiving and the weekend.                                                                                    This is quite upsetting to me that they would leave me like this, so I rushed upstairs and sat on the edge of my bed and watched out the window as they both leave out the drive. I then suddenly thought of my Maternal Grandparents, better known as Mom and Dad _______ to all of us. I had always spent as much time with them as I was allowed since I was four or five years old. Now that I was much older and working a lot on the farm my visits with the two greatest people, I knew in my life was not near enough.                                                                                                             I quickly packed a bag and raced down the stairs and stepped inside the kitchen, I grabbed the keys off the peg, for the one-ton truck, and told this lady I was going to my grandparents for thanksgiving and the weekend. I had just turned twelve the previous week, but I had been driving the truck for the last four years on the farm, plus driving the tractors on the highways by myself since I was nine an half, I was out the back door, in the truck, and out the driveway in just a little more than a heartbeat.                                                                                                                        It was a nine-mile drive with less than half on two state highways and the rest on county roads. Pulling into Mom and Dad’s they came to the door, and I asked, “Can I join you for Thanksgiving dinner? There was no other place in all the world I would rather be.                                                                                                                     The Friday after Thanksgiving we were eating breakfast and I said, “Dad, I got the truck, would you like to go squirrel hunting this morning? Dad, looks to Mom and she just smiles and maybe nods her head, and Dad says, “Let’s go.” And I drive us over near the Pike County State Forest. Early Saturday morning as we are eating breakfast, I said, “Dad, I see where you are needing another load of coal for the winter, I have the truck, why don’t we go get a load this morning?” Dad looks to Mom, and she smiles, maybe nods her head, and Dad says, “Okay.”                           Thus, I drive us back pass home and into Petersburg and out another state highway to the coal mine about five miles North of town. Loaded and back home, I help Dad unload the coal. Sunday afternoon, I asked Mom if she would want another job for the week, she smiles and said she would pack a few cloths. Linda and Alan came home late that afternoon and never questioned why Mom was there nor how she got there.                                                                                                                               Early Friday evening our parents and siblings arrived from Arizona; Dad take my grandmother home…                                                                                                     Early Saturday morning I am in the kitchen with just my parents, and I hear Dad say to Mom, “I guess I should get Dad and Mom a load of coal today.” I said, “No need, I drove Dad out to get a load last Saturday.” Dad just laughs and said, “You drove the truck over there?” I said, “Well Linda and Alan left me Wednesday to have thanksgiving and the weekend without me; so, I drove over to Mom and Dad’s after they left. Friday morning I drove Dad and I over near the State Forest to go squirrel hunting and Saturday morning I drove us out to get a load of coal.” I was not scolded once for having done this.                                                                                        Linda and Alan never knew of my visit for Thanksgiving and the weekend and even to this day they do not believe I had done all of this at twelve years old.                     God protects those that are his, and even those that will be his…                                                                                                                                                                        6. January 1963, at 14 years old, I accepted Jesus as my LORD and Savior in a revival in the Algiers’ Methodist Church in Algiers, Indiana.                                           A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      7. June 1964, I was thrown from a motorcycle after a near head-on collision with another motorcycle driven by a friend, David _______. Yes, only 15.5 years old, no license, no broken bones, but I was bruised and sore for a few weeks, and I learned a good lesson from it.                                                                                                     O God, thou knowest my foolishness; and my sins are not hid from thee (Psalm 69:5).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       8. October 1966, Dad, and I arrived home with a load of soybeans, Mother meets us in the driveway saying that supper was ready. After starting the auger to unload the beans, I told Dad since he had been down in White River Bottoms working all day, I would finish unloading and he could go in to wash up and eat supper.                         After unloading, I pulled the truck into the shed and went in to wash up for supper, as I was washing my face, I suddenly realized my class ring was missing. I had nearly finished unloading the truck, and I noticed I had not taken my ring off as I usually did when working. I quickly rushed down the hall and stopping at the doorway to the kitchen and told Mother I lost my class ring while unloading the beans. I think Mother words were, will it is gone now. I said, “No, I am going out to find it!” Mother said I should take a flashlight, and I said, “No, I won’t need it!”                                              As I was running out to the grain bin I was praying over and over, “Dear God help me to find my class ring!” By the time I climbed in the grain bin I realized how late it was because I couldn’t even see the center of the bin where the beans dropped out of the auger. I felt my way to the top of the beans wishing I had taken Mother’s advice about the flashlight. I reached my hands into the beans to lift out the first two hands full of beans, and immediately felt my class ring.                                                        Walking back to the house I was praising God over and over.                                       For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened (Luke 11:10).                                                                                                                                                                                                   9. January 26, 1967, Lori _____ my two-month-old niece died, even after much prayer. I added this to help explain the beginning of my gradual growth of lukewarmness toward God and His WORD. However, I was to have many encounters with God in the next twenty-four years in His attempt to draw me back to Himself.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  10. November 1969, Now married and visiting the In-Laws, my wife Linda tells her parents that their first grandchild was on the way, my Mother-In-Law says, “I just know this will be a little girl.” I immediately replied, “No, it will be a boy weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz. and 21in. long." I slide my chair back against the kitchen wall in shock at having said this.                                                                                                          Seven and a half months later our son arrives weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz. and 21” long.                                                                                                                                              11. October 1973, visiting the In-Laws again, Linda announces to her parents that their second grandchild was on the way, my Mother-In-Law says, “I am sure this will be a little brother for Brian.” I immediately replied, “No, it will be a little sister weighing less than 6 lbs.” Once again, I had slid my chair back against the kitchen wall in shock at having said this.                                                                                        Seven months later our daughter arrives weighing 5 lbs. 9 oz...                               The Holy Spirit had spoken these messages through my lips; no man could have known sure details.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             12. August 1976, on a drive to a power plant to apply for employment, I am crossing over the US-41 highway in Princeton, IN. I saw the smokestacks of the plant, approximately 12 miles away. I said to myself, “That must be the power plant.” The Holy Spirit whispered in my left ear clearly saying, “You have a job there if you want it.” I laughed about it then, but the Holy Spirit repeated this message over and over until I turned into the parking lot of the plant.                                                     Upon arrival back home Linda meets me at the back door and asked, “Your home already, what did they say?” I replied, “I have a job there if I want it!” Linda asks, “They told you that?” I said, “No, a security guard gave me two applications, he said fill one out and mail it in with a picture of yourself, but I know I have a job there if I want it.” Linda walks off mumbling something.                                                               I filled out an application that night and I could not find a picture I wanted to send with it, so I hung the application on the bullet board in the kitchen and forgot about it. I was working some for my Uncle Royal at his John Deere dealership and helping a friend on his farm.                                                                                                         Sunday afternoon, April 1977, I am in my recliner reading the newspaper, the kids are on the floor playing, and the phone rings. Linda comes into the living room and says, “It is someone by the name of PJ Walters, he wants to talk with you.” Mr. Walters asked if I was still interested in a job at the power plant. After saying I was Mr. Walters says they need me to come down to the plant to take a battery of tests and to be interviewed by three different men, Thursday morning.                                  I hung up the phone and turned to Linda and said, “See, see, I told you I have a job there if I want it!” Linda said, “I heard you mention a battery of tests and being interviewed by three men.” I said, “The tests and interviews are as good as passed, I just have to show up for them, and I have a job there if I want it!”                                 Upon returning home Thursday afternoon Linda meets me at the back door and asked how the tests and interviews went. I said, “I have the job there if I want it!”  Linda says, “They told you that?"  I said, “No, they said don’t call us, we will call you; but I know I have a job there if I want it!”                                                                     The following Sunday afternoon the phone rings, Linda comes into the living room and says, “It’s that Mr. Walters again from the plant.”  I jumped up and said, “See, I told you I have a job there if I want it!”  Mr. Walters says I passed everything and that a physical is needed, so he gives me the details for taking the physical that following Tuesday morning.                                                                                                     Two weeks later Mr. Walters calls and says everything is a go, but it may be a few weeks yet before they can bring me on.                                                                        I started work on Monday July 18, 1977. God never fails at fulfilling His promises.                                                                                                                                           13. The week of June 12, 1978, at the power plant working the evening shift, I moved behind a co-worker to push him to his death. My hands were no more than an inch away, when within a fraction of a second of killing Dan _____; the lights went out, not in the building we were working in, but in me.                                                                 I closed my eyes and shook my head; I opened my eyes to see my 4yr. old daughter and my 8yr. old son standing in a garden setting maybe 10’ in front of me. They both reached out to me saying, “No daddy, no! No daddy, no!” The lights went out once again; I closed my eyes and shook my head and opened my eyes to see Dan. I moved back away from him. Leaning over a handrail several feet away, I began praising God for the vision He had just shown me.                                               Dan and I were hired on the same day, and we had worked together every shift since, and there had been numerous altercations with him. Arriving home that night, I tell Linda all of this, and all she could say was, “You are going to lose that job.”  She was not the least concerned for my mental and emotional health.                                                                                                                                                                         14. November 11,1982 (Apparently I had errored on this date, this should be right now), I had worked the evening shift the day before from 4pm to 12 midnight, arriving home at approx. 1:15 am. Still asleep that morning the kids had done left for school and Linda was getting ready to leave for work, when I suddenly awoke screaming for Linda. Linda came into the bedroom to see what was wrong…   I said, "I just saw the space shuttle blow up just a few seconds after the launch." I said, "they were all killed."  I quickly turned the TV on but there was no accident that morning...              Everything which God had given me up to that moment had come true, so I knew it was just a matter of time for this to happen, God does not make mistakes.                                                                                                                                                       15. January 28, 1986, I was at work that morning when I heard that the Challenger had blown up just a few seconds after the launch and all seven of her crew were killed.                                                                                                                               I saw the picture that evening on the news and it was the exact picture which God had shown me on November 11, 1982.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 16. November 1990, now separated from Linda and living in Mt. Camel, Il.  After arriving at my apartment after work, my normal routine was to place a TV dinner on the coffee table and turning the TV on at precisely 5:30 pm. I returned to the couch and sat down behind the table and reached out to grab my utensils but this evening both hands went way to the left of my dinner to pick-up a notepad and pen. I flipped the pad over and wrote, “5:30 pm Linda is coming.” I fell back and studied the message for a minute or two and then said, “I guess Linda is coming.” She had never been there before, and I had not spoken with her in several months.                 I watched ABC World News, the 6 o’clock local ABC News, and then at 6:30 pm the Wheel of Fortune. Seven o’clock the doorbell rings, I stayed behind the solid door as I opened it, so as not to be seen nor see who was at the door. I opened the door and said, “What took you so long?”  Linda asked, “What did you say?”  Stepping out from behind the door, I said, “You heard me, I said it loud enough. What took you so long, it doesn’t take an hour and a half to drive thirty miles.”                                           Linda said, “You couldn’t have known I was coming,”  I said, “Wait, sit down on the couch behind the coffee table.”  Linda sat down, and said, “You couldn’t have known I was coming, I never told anyone, I didn’t tell anyone at the bank (Where she works), and I didn’t tell Mom or the kids I was going to come!”  I said, “Pick-up the notepad and look on the back.”  Linda did so, and she was shocked, she said it was 5:30 pm when she decided to come, but she had cloths in the clothes dryer, and they had to be dried before leaving the house.                                                                     Linda had gotten my address from my sister, Linda.                                                 Absolutely nothing said, done nor planned is hidden from God.                                                                                                                                                                          17. January 1991, God gave me three nightmares each night for three nights in a row. Each were the exact same and they each began the very second my head hit the pillow. They began with me standing in what looked like a desert. Suddenly, I began sinking into the depths of the Earth, standing on a small platform. As I was descending into the Earth, I would periodically look up to see the light from the opening from where I began my journey growing dimmer and smaller in size. Finally, with a jolt, the platform had reached its destination.                                                       Even though I was miles below the surface of the Earth, and no lights, I could see as I turned what I thought was a full circle, I was standing in a circular room surrounded by dark tunnels’ entrances, one right after another…                                                     Suddenly there were blood-curdling, ear-piercing screams coming from each of the tunnels. I awoke setting up in my bed in great fear, shaking and stunned like nothing I had ever felt before.                                                                                                     After the third nightmare on the third night, I fell to my knees on the floor, crying out to God, accepting all the blame for my divorce, and confessing all my sins. After having felt as though a great burden had been lifted from me, I crawled back into bed and when my head hit the pillow, I was immediately back in the depths of the Earth, standing before the entrances to the tunnels.                                                     Suddenly a pair of grasp hands appeared before me. I climbed into His hands and God lifted me back to the surface from where my nine previous journeys had begun, back into the light. I immediately awoke and fell on my knees once again beside my bed praising God!                                                                                                           I suddenly thought of the lukewarm Christian mentioned in the Book of Revelation, and God had shown me that I too was a lukewarm Christian bound for Hell. I said, “God, had I not confessed my sins earlier, I know they would have found me this morning dead of a massive heart attack.”  Thus, the beginning of a new faith in Christ Jesus.                                                                                                                   Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).                                                                                                                                                                       18. Saturday, August 1, 1992, I was now living in LaGrange, IL. I suddenly decided to visit the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago that morning. I had never been there before and since I was planning to leave the area in two weeks, I decided I had better make this visit today.                                                                                               I entered the museum through the old entrance, which led to the Rotunda with huge hallways leading to the other wings of the museum. I turned to my left and a short way into this hallway there was a display of several large jars with one fetus in each jar, and to the lower right of each jar there was a plaque describing the develop- ments of the fetus at this stage of the pregnancy.                                                         I had viewed all but the last two displays and realized how upset I had become. I had seen pictures such as this in magazines but never the real thing. I said to myself, “Well, I have seen enough of this!”   So, I started to turn to the right to walk away but my feet did not move, I tried again but they still would not move.                                   I straightened back up facing this fetus, suddenly a man voice whispered in my left ear saying, “This was life at one time!   I quickly turned to my left to speak with him but there was no one there. I twisted back around to face the fetus and quickly glancing to the right and then left to see if anyone was watching me.                           I bowed my head and wiped my tears away. I raised my head and to my shock, I was now standing before the next fetus displayed. I had not moved but here I stood. My eyes are drawn to study this fetus and then to read the plaque, and then back to the fetus.                                                                                                                Suddenly the voice once again spoke out saying, “Man called this life, a fetus!”   I jumped again and quickly turned to look for someone, but again there was no one near me. I twisted back to face this fetus and quickly glanced again to the right and then left. I bowed my head and wiped more tears away. I raised my head, and once again, I had not moved but now, I was standing in front of the last display.                   My eyes were drawn to this fetus to study and then to read the plaque of the final developments of this fetus just before birth. Suddenly, once again the voice whispered in my left ear saying, “But God calls this, life at conception!”                 My feet suddenly bolted out to my right, I looked ahead of me and saw a “Men’s Restroom” sign above a door. I thank God there was no one coming out this door as I hit it nearly at a run, and I thank God the first stall was empty as I hit that door. I sat down crying out, “Why God, why have You done this to me? Why God? I am nothing more than a truck driver, why have You done this?”                                                       I heard the voices of two men at the basin, no doubt wondering what kind of crazy guy was loose in there. I tried to listen to what they were saying and then I heard the voices of two men whom I had worked with in past; Ron _____, whom I had worked with in Chicago for the last four months, and Mike _____, whom I had worked with for nearly twelve years in Southern Indiana. Both men speaking out at the same time saying, “You say you are a Christian man; how do you feel about abortion?”       I jumped on my seat hearing their voices, I cried out, “God, I always did say that abortion was wrong! I jumped once again and said, “God, Your WORD tells us that we are not our own, we were bought for a price, and that was by the shed Blood of Jesus Christ!”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         19. Saturday, August 15, 1992, I had been preparing to leave LaGrange on the following day for Cedar Rapids, IA. to start a new job. I believe it was 9 am that morning when my phone ranged. I picked up the receiver and to my shock, I said, “Hello Michelle!” My daughter whom I had not expected to hear from, I had not seen nor talked to her in over two years. I did not have her phone number, and I had no Caller ID, but the Holy Spirit does not need Caller ID.                                         Michelle asked, “How did you know it was me?” I said, “I did not know it was you, but the Holy Spirit certainly knew!”                                                                              Michelle had gotten my number from my sister. We talked for maybe twenty minutes or so, and I told her I was leaving the next day for Iowa, and we said our goodbyes. Michelle called me back three or four times that day and each time I answered, “Hello Michelle.” I had not expected to hear from her again after each call.                 As I have said before, absolutely nothing said, done, nor even planned is hidden from our God.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      20. I am thinking it was the first week of January 1994. I am now an over-the-road truck-driver; it was a beautiful day, I was Eastbound on I-80, approaching Salt Lake City, UT. The best I can remember the temperature was 24 or so, the sky was clear, and the road was dry. I noticed dark clouds hovering over the mountain East of the city. Suddenly the Holy Spirit whispered in my left ear saying, “Go North, come back on I-84.”                                                                                                               I grabbed my CB mic, I said, “Eastbound Werner, this is CRST behind you, do you see the dark clouds over the mountain, that does not look good, are you going over the mountain today?” Werner replied, “Yes, I am going over the mountain.”  I said, “Well, you probably have a heavy load today.”  If I remember correctly, he said he had 34,000 in his wagon. I said, “I only have 14,000 in my wagon. I am hearing in my left ear, ‘Go North, come back on I-84.’”                                                                   Another driver cut in saying, “CRST this is a Westbound Werner passing you now, I just came over the mountain, it was wet on the Eastside, dry on top and dry coming down the Westside, and the traffic is moving good.” I repeated to him, “I am hearing in my left ear, ‘Go North, come back on I-84.’”                                                             Another driver cut in and said, “CRST, this is a Westbound Schneider, it’s true, what Werner just said, it’s wet on the far Eastside, dry on top and all the way down the Westside, and there is no backups coming down.”  The Eastbound Werner came back laughing, saying, “Come on CRST, I will hold your hand as we go over.”             I told Werner; “Lead the way, I am right behind you.” As you are leaving the city on the Eastside there is a slight climb, and it was slowing Werner down, so I shot past him with ease. I was in an old International cab-over with a Cat engine, that was really good at climbing the mountains. It was now a little after 4 pm Mountain Time, and the traffic is heavy at this hour.                                                                               As I was entering the ravine, I noticed I had two big trucks that were just a short distance behind me. Maybe a mile or so into my climb, I noticed several trucks pulling over on the shoulder, so I moved left into the number two lane.                        I am now maybe a quarter of the way up the mountain and the shoulder is well packed with drivers who are installing tire-chains. I had been with CRST now for a little over eighteen months, and I had a full set of chains in a side box, but I had not been to any classes showing how to install chains.                                                   Now, halfway up the mountain I glanced in my mirrors, and I see the two trucks behind me, they have fallen back a little farther behind me. I then glanced down in the hammer lane beside my tractor (Number one lane, or inside lane as the 4-wheelers would say). I said, “Humm, just enough room for a big truck.” I am just now starting around the longest curve on this climb, in the number two lane, the two lanes on the right, and the shoulder are now full of big trucks installing tire chains.               Suddenly, halfway, or more around this curve there is a big truck at a dead stop in my lane I jerked the steering wheel hard to the left, with just barely enough room between two cars, as I just missed the corner of the back of this guy’s trailer by no more than a foot or two, I also see the driver walking along the left side of his trailer.   I grabbed my mic and scream, “Eastbound in the number two lane, go to the hammer lane now, big truck in #2 lane putting chains on.”                                             Finally reaching the top there is a small area where trucks can pull over mainly to remove their chains. I came to a stop and immediately climb down but when my feet hit the ground my knee buckled. After several seconds I was able to walk again. The other two trucks pulled in behind me, the drivers thanked me for the warning. I told them that the Holy Spirit had warned me to, “Go North, and come back on I-84,” and they both said that they had heard me talking with the other drivers.                     There is absolutely nothing that God is not aware of, and He has certainly been merciful with this fool over many years.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 21. Monday, March 21, 1994, in my home terminal in Schererville, IN.   My next student, Dennis _____ with three other students were driving up in a rental car from Dallas, TX. I had already hooked a loaded trailer for Dennis and me to deliver in Chicago. Not realizing it, I had misread my dispatch message thinking the delivery time was for 9 am. Dennis arrived in Schererville at 10 am.                                           Arriving at the consignee’s office I immediately begin apologizing for being late. The office worker checks our paperwork, he laughs and says, “Your almost ten hours early and your trailer will not be empty until 12-midnight.”                                         We hooked our empty trailer at midnight, and we started back to Schererville for the night. I will admit, I was still angry for the delay, which was all my fault.                       At the I-57 and 1-94 split, there are two lanes for each interstate, the two on the left are for Indiana, so I move to the right lane for Indiana, but then I see a slower-moving car. Still upset, I had locked the throttle at 60 MPH, which is what the tractor is governed at. I signal and move into the left lane. As I am passing this car the Holy Spirit whispered in my left ear saying, “You must get out of this lane now!” I screamed to Dennis saying, “I must get over now,” as I start signaling to move right. Dennis scream, “No Mark, there’s this car right here!” I did another glance in the mirror and seen our tandem on the 53’ trailer is even with the front of the car and it is slowing down. I screamed, “We got a foot or two," and I jerked the steering wheel hard to the right. This is only a few yards before entering a 45 MPH hard left-hand curve, under the North-bound I-57 Interstate; plus, there is a Metro train parked on this curve here every night.                                                                                       With very little visibility ahead, as our tractor is crossing over the centerline under the via-duct, suddenly there is a car in the left lane just starting to push another car through the curve and we squeeze between the cars by mere inches at 60 MPH. Had I hit the brakes at this point I would have jacked-knifed the semi on that curve and most likely killed or severely injured us and maybe even the men in the three cars.                                                                                                                               As we are exiting the via-duct and straightening out I glanced over at Dennis and He still had both hands raised in front of him, bracing for the crash. I glanced two more times and then see Dennis shake his head and turn to me, he asked, “How did you know?” I said, “The Good LORD shows me things and He tells me things, and the Holy Spirit whispered in my left ear saying, ‘You must get out of this lane now!’”                                                                                                                                                 22. Friday morning, April 1, 1994, Dennis, and I are making a delivery in Ft. Worth, TX. but the consignee says he cannot unload our trailer until Monday morning. I said, “I notice several different company trailers in a fenced-in yard out front, if I get permission from my dispatcher, can we drop our tailer?” The man says, “Yes.” I message our dispatcher over the satellite asking for permission to drop the trailer and our request was okayed.                                                                                         It was another two hours before dispatch found us an empty trailer in Carrollton, TX. After hooking this empty it was another hour or so before receiving a dispatch which read, “Pick-up ASAP in Waco, TX., for a Monday morning delivery in Southern California.” I told Dennis, “We have the load, but they do not have all the details for the load. I have been to Waco numerous times to two different shippers, which were only one mile or so apart, so we will head that way.”                                                 Since I do all the city driving for the first week or two with a new student, I start out for the I-35E, as I am turning onto the ramp the keyboard beeps with an incoming message, I asked Dennis to check it out. Dennis says, “Dispatch says, there is a problem with this load and to spend the night at the T/A in Mesquite, check w/Dispatch in the morning.” I pulled onto I-35E Southbound and take the next exit for I-635 East. As I am pulling onto I-635 the Holy Spirit whispers in my left ear saying, “This load will not be ready until Monday.” I glanced at Dennis and repeated the same to him. Dennis asks, “How do you know that?” I said, “I told you, the Good LORD shows me things and He tells me things, and this is what the Holy Spirit just now whispered in my left ear.”                                                                               Saturday 7 am, I slide into the driver seat and grab the keyboard to send dispatch a message. Dennis crawls over the doghouse into the jump seat; seeing me laying the keyboard on the dash he asked, “How long will it be to get a reply from dispatch?”  I said, “It Saturday 7 am, I wouldn’t think it would be but 7 or 8 minutes.”  The Holy Spirit whispered in my left ear saying, “This load will not be ready until Monday!”  I looked at Dennis and said, “But I can tell you right now that the message will simply say, ‘This load will not be ready until Monday.’” Yes, Dennis asked again, and I said, “The Good LORD shows me things and He tells me things, and this is what the Holy Spirit just now whispered in my left ear.”                                                             Fifteen minutes or so later the keyboard beeps with an incoming message. I read the message and handed the keyboard to Dennis to read, “This load will not be ready until Monday.”                                                                                                                 April 3, Sunday morning, I slide into the driver’s seat and glanced out the window of my door and see the small trailer which is used as a chapel and the chaplain lives in the other end of it. The Holy Spirit whispers in my left ear saying, “You must be in the church this morning.” I fell back in my seat thinking on this and then thought to myself, God must have a special message just for me today in the sermon. At that moment Dennis slides into the jump seat, I turned to Dennis and said, “Well, I can now tell you why, or at least partly why our load was delayed Friday, evidently God has a special message just for me in the sermon today because the Holy Spirit just whispered that I must be in the church today.”                                                               For the next two hours, I read a few verses, turned a few pages, and read a few verses, until I hear a knot on my door. Chaplain Richard Chamberlain introduces himself and invites me to join his service at 10 am. I held my Bible up for him to see and told him all that had happened to us in the last three days, and that I thought God had a special message just for me in his sermon this morning. He looks up at me and says, “Yeah, right!” I am sorry to admit, this angered me a little that he could not believe all that I had said.                                                                                         I arrived at the chapel early just as I would to any church service to get my back-row seat. For some reason that morning I took a seat on the third row from the front, although this sanctuary was extremely small with maybe eight rows, and with maybe only six chairs per roll.                                                                                                   The service is over now and only three other drivers were present, two were regular attendees here and the Pastor is standing in the aisle next to me. I am extremely upset with myself thinking that I had missed God’s message in the sermon, I had my Bible opened and my head bowed low trying to replay the Chaplain sermon back through my mind, searching for God’s message for me.                                               I hear the Chaplain snap his fingers and say, “Oh, I have a cassette tape I want to give you men.”   I hear the Chaplain coming back with the tapes, so I reach up with my left hand without looking up and he places the tape in my hand as he is talking about the tape. I was not listening to what he was saying but I do hear him snap his fingers once again and say, “Oh, I have another cassette tape that you four need to hear.”  I hear him approaching with the tapes the second time; thus, I reached up again without looking up, and he places this tape in my left hand. I immediately leap out of my seat screaming, “That’s it, that’s it, that’s it!”  As I am waving the tape in my left hand, I am pushing chairs as I am backing up in shock. The Chaplain was inching back as he asked, “What’s it?” I said, “Remember what all I told you this morning when you came to my tractor, and how I thought God had a message just for me in your sermon this morning? Well, God’s message was not in your sermon, but this (Again waving the tape above my head), I can tell you is God’s message for me today!”                                                                                                                   The Chaplain was greatly shocked, he could just barely speak, “Would you… would you like to hear what is on this tape?” I looked to the other three drivers, but they could not speak, and I looked back at the Chaplain and said, “Yes, please!”   He says, “I read a book, titled, ‘Through the Fire Without Burning,’ and it describes the life of Pastor Dumitru Duduman, and the visions God gave him of America’s destruction.”                                                                                                                 ***************************                                                                                                 If anyone wishes to read more about Pastor Dumitru Duduman and his message for America, please Google; Message for America - Hand of Help Ministries                                                                                                                                                             If the Good LORD is willing, I will add Part #2 and #3 as soon as I can...

Saturday, September 18, 2021

A Watchman, Shouting God's Warning

What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops (Matthew 10:27)

 An unseen force has been working for over 234 years to destroy everything this nation’s Constitution has stood for, freedom from oppression and tyrannical governments and liberty for all of her citizens with assurances of justice for all, with no favoritism for any elite groups. 

 The understanding of this unseen force reaches much farther back into history, even back to the beginning of the time when man first stepped upon this Earth. 
 This is a spiritual world in which we live and the Bible reveals how the god and prince of this world, Satan stole the dominion of this world with a lie in the Garden of Eden; and Satan’s desire is to kill, steal, and destroy all that belongs to the One True God, and Creator of all that has been created. 

 This is the truth, and the absolute truth does not change for no one, no matter how much you would want it to change… For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12). 

  This unseen force has achieved many victories in their efforts of sowing seeds of discontent for most of those 234 years… However, the greatest damage to destroying this Constitution and even this nation has been even more successful in just the last one hundred years or so. Hopefully I can return to this point later…. 
  Those that reject this truth, whether they believe this or not, they have become servants of Satan. Satan, himself is far smarter than any man on Earth, maybe even smarter than all of mankind combined. 
  The proof of this statement is easily understood when we consider the majority throughout the ages who have denied the existence of Satan and God. 
   A reading of the Book of Job can help you understand more of the influence and power that God has allowed Satan. Satan is every bit as power today as he has ever been but we who have accepted Christ Jesus as our LORD and Savior have the presence of the Holy Spirit within us to minister to us in our struggles against the evil’s presence in this world today. 
  Many of our leaders throughout the history of this nation have not been as strongly committed to God’s WORD as we would have liked; thus, we can theorize that they have left some open doors enabling evil to rush into areas of our government causing us great struggles and trails for which this nation will be held accounted for…   
  Many of our troubles began with this nation allowing the teachings of evolution over creation in our universities starting in the later 1920s and later brought into our high schools. Next came the removal of prayer from the classrooms and even the boardrooms across this nation. Followed by allowing homosexuality to run rampant, and then the Supreme Court’s approval of the Roe vs. Wade Bill allowing for the slaughtering of approx. 70 million of the most innocent of all life in the womb of their mothers, and the shedding of this innocent blood is said to have desecrate this nation; thus, this land must and will be cleansed by a fire that will fall from the East to the West. 
   Absolutely nothing is surprising to an all-knowing God; God even knew of Israel’s and the United States’ failures before the first day man walked upon this Earth. Neither was God surprised at the cheating that went on in the 2020 election. 
  God has allowed the evil works of men at different times throughout all of history to bring changes within the hearts of the people at different times and for different reason to achieve His goals, which is that all should come to the saving knowledge of His Grace through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ. 

  The Bible reveals we are in the final days of the Age of God’s Grace and there is coming a battle of the armies of the nations against Israel’s army on the Plains of Megiddo for the greatest of all Battles, Armageddon in the hopes of destroying God’s chosen people for good… But God will supernaturally defend Israel and defeat these armies and a New Millennium will begin… 

  Only those that know Christ Jesus as their LORD and Savior will enter this new millennium! No one is so good that they need not to be saved, and no one is so bad that they cannot be saved. He who seeks God will be found by God. 

What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops (Matthew 10:27)

I am no prophet, this is just an old man, a watchman sharing God’s warnings to this nation, to those who have the eyes to see with and the ears to hear with...
  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).   
  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (Romans 10:9).

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Are You Watching & Listening? (Pt. #3)

Post #3 of 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 God chose the Jewish people to be the ones who would introduce His presence and His Laws to all the world; He also knew that their stubbornness, arrogance, and stiff-necked pride thinking they are more righteous and holier than all others of the world would cause them to fail to accomplish His plan, for all have sinned, and there is none that doeth good, no, not one.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       In the last thirty years I have been asked maybe a half dozen times or more, “Why do you think God has given you so many personal encounters?” I believe that was one of the easiest question I had ever been asked concerning God. My comment was always, "God knows our hearts better than we even know ourselves. God most likely knew even from the womb I would be every bit or maybe even more stubborn, arrogant, and stiff-necked as anyone else; therefore, this hardheaded man would need many personal encounters to convince me of His presence and His love."                                                                                                                                                    For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness (1 Corinthians 3:19 ). Even the most educated who have studied for many years and have several degrees or a Doctorate to their name; yet, if they fail to acknowledge and accept Christ Jesus as their LORD and Savior, they will have achieved nothing at the end of this life.                                                                                                                                                                       **************************                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      39.    January 2000, I took off two weeks with bronchitis, and then asked if I could have two weeks of my vacation also, dispatch okay this request.                           February 2000, I was now back to work, and dispatch kept me busy with local runs in and out of the Fontana terminal for the next week or so.                                               Finally given a dispatch to pickup a load in Santa Clarita for a delivery on the upper East Coast and I am told to stop off in Cedar Rapids, IA., to pick-up my next student. God never ceases to amaze me, I had been praying that my next student would be a Christian man as I was East bound for Cedar Rapids, IA.                                         Arriving at the Cedar Rapids terminal on February 24th, and that morning I met Vincent _____, a young Black man in his mid-twenties, who was from Chicago Heights, IL. I quickly learned that Vincent was indeed a strong Christian man.             I even started calling Vincent my long-lost cousin, who I had been looking for. I explained that my Mother’s maiden name was the same as his last name.                   I am certain Vincent had not asked this, but after I had mentioned that I was raised on a farm in Southern Indiana, I had been asked by several of my Black students if my people owned any slaves, I would most always laugh, and say, “No, Indiana was a Northern State, and my hometown of Petersburg was a stop on the Under-Ground Railroad for many who was on their way to Gary, IN. or Chicago, IL.                          One night as I was praying, I said, “Father God, remember, my two years in California are nearly up. I have been with CRST now for over seven and a half years, it would be nice if I could find a job with CRST which just required Monday thru Friday driving so I would not lose my seniority with CRST, and possibly find a good spirit filled church to join and establish some roots somewhere.”                                   I believe it was two weeks later which was Vincent last week, we arrived at our consignee late Thursday night in Franklin Park, IL. and our delivery was scheduled for 7 am the next morning. I notice three CRST tractors parked nearby as I parked that night and I saw no one around them.                                                                The next morning, I was up early and as I am approaching the office, I see two men leaning on a handrail, I mentioned, “I saw these three CRST tractors parked here last night but I haven’t seen any drivers around them.” One of them says, “We are the drivers, and this is our terminal.” I asked, “Well, why here?” The driver says, “We are local drivers, driving for this company five days a week, with our weekends off.” I said, “Wow, that must be nice, five days a week with your weekends off, I have been looking for something like that.” The other driver says, “We need a driver for the other tractor out there!” They gave me the phone number to call their dispatcher.     This was Vincent’s last day and as with many of my students, he was a real joy to train and I was blessed to have met Lisa, his wife, and their three sons later that day when they met us in an Oasis on I-294, on the Southside of Chicago, when they came to pick him up.                                                                                                      I called the dispatcher and asked to be considered for the opening in Franklin Park and I started working there on April 17 after moving back to LaGrange, IL. from California.                                                                                                                       I quickly reconnected with some old friends in LaGrange and one of them suggested that I should check out the LaGrange Christian Assembly Church which he attended and is located in LaGrange Heights.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              40.     April 23, 2000 was my first Sunday attending the LaGrange Christian Assembly Church, and I attend this church for more than six years. It was here after having shared God’s warning of the coming attack on the WTC #2 Tower, and America’s destruction with most of the men of the Church that one gentleman invites me to sit at his table one Saturday morning in the Men’s Group.                             Ken ____ says, “Let me tell you of a vision a former pastor was given back in the mid-1980s, here in his office one morning. Pastor Jeff ____ said he was reading some scripture when he suddenly looks up. On the wall in front of his desk there hangs three elongated pictures, which started melting off the wall. He said it was as if he was looking down on the United States."                                                               Ken continued saying, "Suddenly the Pastor Jeff saw submarines rising to the surface along the Eastern seaboard, the Gulf Coast, and the West Coast, and then the submarines began firing their nuclear missiles, hitting all the major cities along the coast. Ken says, then he spotted missiles come down over Canada, striking Chicago, and several other major cities throughout the Midwest, and then it was all over, America as we know it today was gone.”                                                               It was another six months or more when I was given an email address for this Pastor Jeff and I sent him the information I had of Pastor Dumitru Duduman and the warning God had given Him in the mid-1980s of America’s destruction.                           Pastor Jeff sent me an email describing the vision which God had given him. He wrote saying: “The worldly protector of Israel was now out of the way so that the end of all things may be. God spoke to my heart that this was His Judgment on America for its abandonment and her embracing abominations. He clearly spoke to me, ‘This will happen.’”                                                                                                            Pastor Jeff went on to say, “A few weeks after the vision, unsolicited, someone had sent him a book titled, ‘Set The Trumpet To Thy Mouth,’ written by Dr. David Wilkerson, which also describes the destruction of the United States.”                         Once again, I started praying to ask God for the two confirmations if the message from Pastor Jeff was to come true for America’s destruction.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         41.     It was a few months later one Sunday after the service I was walking with a friend Tom ______, and his family out to our vehicles; their three young sons were just a few feet in front of me, and they were trying to trip each other as they were walking. I started thinking about my older brother, Alan and younger brother, Kent. I suddenly bumped Tom and said, “Tom, do you know what these boys need? Tom laughs and says, “No, what do they need?” I said, “They need a little sister!” Tom laughs, and his wife, Trena reaches out across the front of Tom and says, “No, I have gone through that three times and I am not doing that again!” The Holy Spirit has done this many times in my life, speaking out without me having any thought that it was going to happen.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    42.     April 7, 2001, nearly every first Saturday in April from 1993 up to 2012, I would plan a weekend to visit my oldest sister, Linda in Southern Indiana, and my accountant to get my income taxes filed. I gotten up and out on the road by 3 am this morning to drive the two-hundred and fifty miles. After everything is taken care of with the taxes, I visit with some old high school friends and my Aunt Lou, and then back to my sister’s.                                                                                                         I believe it was a little before 6 pm when Linda says, “Lisa (Her daughter) is home now, would you like to go visit her?” I said, “Yes, it’s been two or three years since I have seen her and her husband, Steve.”                                                                   Linda drives us to Lisa’ home near Haubstadt. It is now about 9 pm and I had been trying to stay awake, Linda says, “We better get going!” I am following her through the kitchen, she suddenly turns around and says, “Why don’t you go to church with me in the morning?” Startled, I said, “Yeah, right, okay!” Now concerned as to whether I can get back to LaGrange in time for my small home group meeting, I asked, “What time do you get out of church,” just before reaching the car. I climbed into the car and Linda says, “You should recline the seat and take a nap on the ride back, you are certainly needing it.” Linda starts backing out of Lisa’s driveway as I reclined my seat and started calculating as to what time I could get back to LaGrange.                                                                                                                       Linda stops and then shift to drive, I suddenly raised and said, “This time next year Lisa will be pregnant, and I think it will be a girl!” Linda said nothing and I fell asleep.                                                                                                                            Lisa and Steve had been trying to get pregnant for the last three years or more with no success. They had met with three doctors and all three said, they should have gotten pregnant with no problems. Linda had asked me and virtually everyone else to pray for them.                                                                                                             Besides praying for this pregnancy for the last two years or more I had also been asking God for something to speak out to one of my sisters to help convince them of what I had been saying about the destruction of the United States; thus, this coming pregnancy would be the answer to two prayers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       43.     Tuesday morning 7:48 am September 11, 2001, I was in my apartment that morning listening to the ABC World News, suddenly there is an announcement of the crashing of a plane into the World Trade Center’s North Tower, and approximately 25 minutes or so later the #2 Tower was stuck by another plane.                                       So, it was, just how the Holy Spirit had spoken through my lips in August 1994 immediately after reading the WTC Building Engineer’s report on the #2 Tower bombing in the USA Today Newspaper, I had laid face down and began praying, and immediately after the prayer the Holy Spirit spoke through my lips saying, “They are coming back to ‘HIT’ this tower again, when they do, they will ‘TAKE’ this tower to the ground,” (Reference back to #23).                                                                     I had repeated God’s warning for over seven years, to whoever would listen to me.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             44.     Saturday morning April 2, 2002, in Southern Indiana visiting my sister Linda. I had made the trip the night before arriving at Linda’s home at 10 pm. That morning as I sat down at the counter in the kitchen, Linda is cooking breakfast; I suddenly asked, “What did I tell you exactly one year ago to this day?” Linda turned towards me and said, “How should I know, you are always telling me something!”                    I started laughing at the tone of her voice, neither of my sisters nor of my brothers are believing God’s warnings which I have shared with them. Linda turns again and says, “You didn’t have anything to do with Lisa getting pregnant!” Still laughing I said, “No, I don’t reckon I did, I have never known my prayers to be any more powerful than any others!” Once again Linda turns to face me saying, “Well, we don’t know whether or not it is a girl!” I replied, “That part might have come from me, but the first part came from the Holy Spirit!” Linda says, “I don’t believe that!” I said, “Then you believe your brother is just lying to you?” Linda says, “No, but you are always saying something!”                                                                                                                     Back at work that following Monday and another six weeks later, arriving in my apartment in LaGrange that evening, I see I have a message on the answering machine, which was from Linda saying, call home ASAP. Linda answered the phone and I said, “Yeah, it’s me!” Linda says, “Lisa’s daughter arrived that morning and all is well with them.”                                                                                                        Lisa could have not gotten pregnant, she could have gotten pregnant and had the baby even before my trip that year, and she could have had a boy (Reference back to #42).                                                                                                                           Thus, thirteen and a half months later the Holy Spirit has once again proven to be correct in all He has said.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         45.     Friday evening April 4, 2003, arriving in Southern Indiana at about 8 pm to visit my sister Linda. Linda is attending a political meeting; so, I join my Brother-In-Law watching the TV, no sooner than I was seated he takes God’s Name in vain six times within three minutes. I had spoken with him before about this and he had been careful not to do this in front of me, but I could tell by his tone there was no need to say anything; thus, I just went to the bedroom to read. Hearing my sister arriving at 10 pm I met her in the hallway to say hello, and then went to bed.                                As soon as I laid down to sleep, I felt the pressure on my chest starting to build up; I immediately knew why. I laid there not wanting to get up, but the pressure got so great I rolled out of bed to my knees and began praying. I felt the pressure immediately easing up, after a few minutes there was no pressure. I laid back down again, the pressure came back, and this was how my whole night went. I would either pray on my knees or while I was walking around in the bedroom, asking for forgiveness that I had not said anything to my brother-in-law for what he had said. It is a very serious sin to blaspheme God’s Name.                                                   Without even a minute of sleep that night, I heard my sister in the kitchen early that morning. I walked in and sat at the counter and begin telling her what all was said last night and what kind of night I had.                                                                         Linda says, “Now listen here, he loves God.” I said, "God’s WORD says we are not to speak praises and blasphemies through the same lips." Linda says, “Well, that is just how the men talk at the coal mine.” I told her that I must honor God first over all others, so I cannot stay overnight anymore, and I packed up and left.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         46.      Maybe June 2004, the Sunday morning service is over now, and I am just standing off to the side of the foyer watching the people going out the door pass me. I suddenly notice my friend Tom’s wife Trena on the far side of the foyer waving to get my attention. As Trena is approaching, I suddenly take one step forward and raise my hands, to get her to stop about eight feet or so in front of me and I said, “No, don’t tell me, you have been to your doctor’s this past week, and he has told you that you are pregnant with a girl!” Trena is stunned for a few seconds and shakes her head and says, “Yes, I have been to my doctor this past week and he says, I am pregnant, but I don’t know about a girl.” I replied, “Well, the Holy Spirit says you are pregnant with a girl!”                                                                                 Tom had seen the hands motions, but he was too far away to have heard us. Tom walks up laughing and says, “So, what is up?” We tell Tom what was said, he laughs and says, “Gee whiz Mark, you got a 50/50 chance of getting it right.” I replied, “Tom, I told Trina she was pregnant, she didn’t tell me.” Tom, still laughing says, “Well, we will know in nine months.” I said, “Tom, the Holy Spirit never lies, Trena is pregnant with a girl.”                                                                                                               Eight months later their daughter arrives on February 21, 2005 (Reference: #40 & #41).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             47.     Three weeks later after the previous event, June 2004, I am walking out from the church with a young friend, Nick ___ when I suddenly bump his right arm with my elbow, I asked, “Nick, are you and Molly trying to get pregnant?” Nick says, “Yes, we have been trying for the last two months.” I replied, “Molly is pregnant with a boy!” Nick jumps back with his hands raised and said, “That’s the first I’ve heard of this!” Shocked, I also raise my hands and said, “Hey Nick, this is the first I’ve heard of it too!”                                                                                                                                 Three weeks later at a Wednesday night service, Nick taps me on the left shoulder, I turn around to see Nick standing in the aisle and he says, “Molly’s doctor says she is pregnant.” I started laughing and said, “Yeah, I know Nick the Holy Spirit told us that she is pregnant with a boy.” Nick replies, “They haven’t told her that.” I said, “Nick, the Holy Spirit never lies, Molly is pregnant with a boy!”                                         Eight months later their son arrives (Reference: #40).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  48.       Saturday night October 16, 2004, I read the most recent post made by Michael Boldea Jr., Grandson of Pastor Dumitru Duduman, on the Hand of Help Ministries website, titled, “The Eagle and the Serpents.”                                           Michael wrote: The Angel said, "This has been revealed to you, that you may know, the first bite has been, the second is yet to come, and the third will be its destruction.”                                                                                                               The first bite by the serpent is considered to have been the September 11, 2001 attack, and there is coming a second attack that will be far worst, and the third attack is the vision of America’s destruction which God had shown to Pastor Duduman back in the mid-1980s.                                                                                                       With no doubts in my mind of Michael’s message, I laid face down on the floor and began praying; after this prayer I said, "Father God the second major attack must be approximately one thousand times greater than the September 11, 2001 attack if they think they can force the United States to back away from protecting Israel."         If you wish to read, Michael’s message, Google: “The Eagle and the Serpents – Hand of Help Ministries.” You may also Google: “The Message For America – Hand of Help Ministries,” which is the message of America’s destruction God gave Michael’s Grandfather.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   49.     Thursday 8 pm October 21, 2004, in Fremont, IN., On my returning trip from a delivery at the Boston Airport, I stopped for the night at a Pilot Truck Stop. As I was walking out of the store into the attached Wendy’s restaurant a gentleman standing in line waiting to place his order turns, seeing me he begins screaming at the top of his voice, “I think you have something you need to tell me! I think you have something you need to tell me!”                                                                           Though our eyes are locked on each other’s eyes, I see several people jumping back away from their tables. I also saw his right shoulder rise as if he might have been pulling something from his pocket. Three or four months before this in prayer, I had spoken out that someone will pull a pistol on me. That did happen only several months later.                                                                                                           When the screaming stopped, I looked down expecting to see a pistol, but he was merely pointing his index finger at me. I started walking toward this man as I was saying, “Yes, yes, I do have something I need to tell you.” I started telling this man all about the messages of America’s destruction given to the three pastors, and the confirmations that confirmed these warnings.                                                                We moved to a booth and this man begins telling me how God had shown him three visions in 1996. The first vision he says, it was as if he was looking down upon all of the United States, suddenly there was a puff of white smoke over Southern California; here he added that he had never driven the upper East Coast, his route is just back and forth between upper Michigan and North Carolina, so he isn’t familiar with the upper East Coast, but he saw a second puff of smoke over what he guessed to be Philadelphia, and then a third puff of smoke over what he guessed was most likely Boston.                                                                                                                  I said, “You have seen the second major attack.” He says, “Then there are two more major attacks?” I had not told him about Michael Boldea Jr. vision of “The Eagle and the Serpents.” So, I explained that to him and said I am now most certain that the second major attack must be approximately one thousand times greater than the September 11, ’01 attack, and the attack will be somewhere in Southern California, and most likely in or near Philadelphia and Boston.                                                       He then tells me his second vision was what looked like Chinese Troops wearing the Blue UN helmets coming ashore in what looked to be California. As for his third vision, either my memory has failed me, or some circuits have been damaged from so many years of bouncing down the interstate highways, but I do not remember none of it.                                                                                                                       I have told this thousands of times and I almost always end with, God has never allowed the destruction of a nation nor of its people before first sending His warnings, hoping that the hearts of the people might turn to Him to be saved.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         50.     My best guess, this event would be in April 2005, I remember the nights are still rather cool out. I was making night runs to a Penske Truck Rental lot just South of Madison, Wisconsin to drop a loaded trailer for another driver to make food deliveries in the Madison area.                                                                                       I made my drop and hooked an empty trailer, and now back on I-90 Eastbound, it was a little after 1am. I am passing a few cars in the right lane, a couple of motorcycles, and one older pick-up in the front of the motorcycles. I glanced in my right mirrors to check my clearance, but the old pick-up has his high beams on, and they are blinding me. Thus, I stayed in the left lane for another few minute or so, and I glanced again in the right mirror and the old pick-up had sped up, his high beams are still blinding me. I can see a string of cars now directly behind me in the hammer lane that seems to be in a hurry, I put my turn signals on to indicate my intentions. I left the signals on for several minutes, I moved over to the centerline also indicating my intentions but still, the old pick-up had sped up to stay just at the back of my trailer. Thus, I speeded up more to get away from the pick-up and he sped up, now running 73 MPH in a 65 zone, and the old pick-up is still at the corner of my trailer with his high beams on, and I now have twenty cars or more directly behind me… I started slowing down thinking I will fall in behind the old pick-up, but he slows down also. I slowed down to 55 MPH and still, the old pick-up was just behind the right corner of my trailer with his high beams on. I accelerated back up to 73 again and so did this pick-up, I did the slow-down again, and still the old pick-up was still there with his high beams on.                                                                                                     This had gone on for well over thirty miles and I was now nearing the Illinois state line and I needed to be in the right lane to enter the toll booth.                                     I had turned my signal off for the last five miles or so, and now, I turned the right signal on and moved back to the centerline for a moment and then started crossing the line for the right lane moving about as slow over the line as I could, suddenly two motorcycles came racing around and then they started slowing down, all the way down to 45 MPH.                                                                                                           I said, “LORD, evidently these two are now angry with me.” I knew this was going to be the confrontation I had been expecting for the last several months. I said, “Father God, I am going to pull over here on this first on ramp, if these guys are going to pull a pistol on me, I don’t want it to be at the toll booth where someone else may get hurt.                                                                                                                                 I flashed my headlights to get their attention and put the right turn signal on. I set my brakes and said, “Father God, I look to You for my protection,” and I climbed out and walked to the front of my tractor. The first guy climbs off his motorcycle and starts screaming at me and reaches into his leather jacket and pulls out a pistol.                 As he is approaching me, he is screaming he is a federal agent, and I need to put my hands up… I started laughing and said, “Guy, I am not putting my hands up for anyone until I see a badge.” He reaches in his back pocket and holds something up but he is not close enough for me to see a badge. He says, “You nearly killed us.”      I said, “You were behind the old pick-up when I passed it and you saw he had his high beams on, I sped up and slowed down three or four times to get away from him and he stayed on the back right corner of my trailer.” This guy says I think I will call the Wisconsin State Police, I laughed and said, “Go ahead, and while you are doing that, I will call the Illinois State Police, because the Wisconsin State Police will not show up. This guy put his pistol away and said, “Well, just be more careful in the future.” I said, “That is good advice, so you two had better take it.” They turned around and walked off.                                                                                                   Now, maybe you can understand why so many truck drivers seem angry?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 51.     February 2, 2009, (Or possibly 2010), I was now driving for another company as a relief driver covering for the night auto parts drivers to new car dealerships, Ford, GM Motors, Nissan, and Dodge. Whenever not on those runs, I was picking up a loaded trailer with huge heavy rolls of paper and switching trailers with another driver in Mauston, Wisconsin, which we were scheduled for a 1 am transfer. This driver would take my trailer to deliver in Minneapolis and I would deliver his loads of paper to companies located near O’Hare airport.                                                           I always seemed be running late to meet with this driver in Mauston, and especially this night. There was about two feet of snow on the ground and the traffic was heavier then usual at this hour. It had warmed up enough to rain and the rain was extremely hard at times, and it was also very sporadic. Whenever the rain did let up, I would put the pedal to the metal, in other words, I was running as fast as my tractor would run, which was governed at 73 MPH, since I was even later than usual. The temperature was still just above freezing that night so most of the other drivers were holding their speeds down somewhat; thus, I was passing nearly everyone in sight.   I was just North of Madison and it was already 1:30 am. I was in the hammer lane passing a string of cars and I saw a big truck between them. I estimated that they were only running about 55 MPH or so, I am wondering why this driver was running so slow with these cars since it had not rained in the last five minutes or so. I was maybe three car lengths from the truck in the right lane when he puts his left turn signal on, there was no way that I could slow down enough to let him out and just as I am at the corner of his trailer he starts across the centerline. I quickly jerked my steering wheel to the left to move onto the left edge of the shoulder, there was no way I could take my hand off the steering wheel to sound the air horn because I knew what was going to happen the next second, that was when the left trailer wheels dropped off the edge of the pavement. I glanced to the right and our mirrors were no more than inches from touching, I cried out, “Sweet Jesus, help me!” I could hear and feel the drive tires slipping and the trailer pulling the tractor hard to the left… Had I let up on the throttle at that moment the heavy loaded trailer would have pulled the tractor off the road… And to top this off, the shoulder here in this area dropped off maybe 5 feet or more; thus, it would have met a rollover for sure.           The car in front of the truck was now even with my tractor; evidently, he could hear my engine laboring and my drives slipping on the wet pavement and see my tractor pointed at a precarious angle, maybe five degrees or more, and my headlights now shining directly across his lane in front of him, thus he starts slowing down.             The trailer is slowing me down despite my throttle being floored. I screamed, “Jesus, I need help, or I am not going to make it,” at least two or three times. I had been fighting this long enough to think, this just might be the end of my driving career. The trailer had slowed my speed from 73MPH down under 55 and the car driver applied his flashers and began slowing everyone down behind him to give me the room I needed if my tailer ever came back up onto the pavement, and suddenly the trailer popped back up onto the pavement and I shot across the centerline in a heartbeat.   I was certainly praising the Good LORD that morning until I got back home.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             52.     Saturday night October 20, 2012, I am now retired. I am in my apartment, I go to bed early, and begin thinking about my life and what I had been through since my divorce in January 1991, for the next hour or more.                                                       I began praying, “Father God, this coming January will have been twenty-two years since the divorce, and You know I accepted all the blame for it.”                                   I said, “Father God, your WORD says that it is not good that man should be alone.” I had not tried to date anyone in all those years. I prayed, “Father God if You think it is time that a lady should be brought into my life, I agree.”                                               I thought on this for a minute or so, and then said, “Father, if there should be a lady bought into my life, she must be a Christian who is just as strong in her Christian faith as me.” I paused for a minute or two and said, “Father, better yet if she were a stronger Christian, she could help me to be a stronger Christian man.” Pausing again, I came back to say, “Father, this lady cannot be twenty years older nor twenty years younger,” God knew I was meaning I wanted someone my age.                         Pausing again for several seconds, “Father, if there is to be a lady brought into my life, we would have to be as evenly yoked as possible in every way, she cannot be a liberal, and she cannot be a democrat who supports abortion.”                                     Pausing yet again to think on this, I then said, “Father, I am not going to any bars to look for this lady. I am not going to any malls to try to chase her down, and I am not going on any internet dating sites. Just so I know it is the right one, You must be the One to bring her to me, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!”                                                           But still, thinking something else needed to be said, I remained silent… After a minute or so, I said, “Father God, remember Junior back at the garage, where I parked my tractor? Junior had been divorced for over ten years and then he met a nurse and they got married, now that would certainly be neat to be married to a nurse.” I just laid there and eventually fell asleep.                                                                                                                                                                                                 The next morning at church with a cup of coffee in my hand, I was talking with a friend, Bruce _____, when I suddenly realized the time. I told Bruce I was like five or six minutes late for being at my post at the far side of the sanctuary. At that moment, a lady walks up to me and asks, “Are you Mark ________ who made a couple of comments on the church’s Facebook page this past week?” I replied, “Yes, I did!” She says, “I really did appreciate your comments?” I said, “Thank you, but I am really sorry, but I just now realized that I am late for being at my post on the far side of the sanctuary as usher and greeter, so I really have to run.” She says, “Okay!”                 As I was crossing the back of the sanctuary, I started praising God like crazy, because I knew I would be marrying this lady, and then I just realized, I didn’t get her name. I looked for her after the service but could not find her.                                       As I said earlier, I was retired now but I was working part-time now and then, and I had already agreed to drive my friend Tom’s ¾ ton pickup pulling a loaded trailer out to Fort Mead Army Base in Maryland for a construction job. I was just to unload the trailer and drive straight back.                                                                                         I was edgily hoping to meet this lady the following Sunday at church, but I did not see her nor for the next two Sundays. I am thinking it was the Sunday before Thanksgiving we met for only a few minutes. She was rushing out to her daughter’s for dinner. So, I did find out her name, Sharon _____, but this is the way it was one Sunday each month from October through January because it was either her or me having to rush out immediately after church.                                                                 I also found out later Sharon was making a trip once a month to Northeastern Indiana to visit with her mother, who was in a nursey home, and Sharon worked at least one weekend a month; plus, I was taking more loads out to Fort Meade Army Base for Tom.                                                                                                                 At church one Sunday in February, Sharon asked if I could help her with taking her dog, Mckenzie to the vet’s and again to picking up Mckenzie from the vet’s a few days later, I edgily agreed to help her.                                                                           I was visiting Sharon at her condominium on the first Tuesday evening in March and we were watching the Fox News channel when Sharon takes Mckenzie out. Sharon comes back in and standing at the end of the couch she asks, “Have you ever thought about remarrying?” I laughed and said, “I was trying to think how I could ask you the same question while you were out with Mckenzie!”                                           That put us on the fast track, and we were married the first Saturday in May. Oh, Sharon is the stronger Christian of us, she is no liberal nor democrat, she is fifty-five days younger than me, and she had been an LPN nurse for fifteen years, and she was working at home as a transcriptionist for the same hospital, for a total of 44 years before retiring.                                                                                                 Sharon had been in this church since the 1980s and I had been in this church nearly every Sunday since June 2007 and neither of us had ever seen each other.               Do not try to rush anything such as marriage, if you leave it in God’s hands, and in His timing, He will give you the best. The most important thing for any marriage is to be evenly yoked in every way possible if there is to be a successful marriage in a Christian home.                                                                                                               Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness (2 Corinthians 6:14)?                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ********************************************                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1). God has appointed the times and seasons for every life in this universe, and His wish is that none should perish. The day of our Salvation is today, I know God has a plan for each of us. O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him (Psalm 34:8).                                                                                                                                                                                           Would you humbly bow before God today, accepting Christ Jesus as your LORD and Savior, confessing your sins to Him, and ask Him to aid you in your search for the whole truth and in your new faith in Christ; in Jesus’ Name, Amen!